In mortgage lending, the competitive edge often goes to those who recognize emerging opportunities. Our industry can take sudden, unexpected turns — as we saw with the refinancing boom earlier this year. There’s also a constant flow of information we need to learn in terms of regulatory changes, career development and new approaches to helping borrowers.

We created Arch MI’s Insights Podcasts to help you stay ahead of the latest trends, even when you’re on the go. In about 30 minutes, our podcasts take you beyond the latest headlines, delving deep into the topics that can help you be more effective, close more loans and sharpen your skills.
Over the past couple of years, I’ve been listening to more and more business-related podcasts because I can maximize my time by listening in the car or on a plane.
I’m not alone. Recently, Statista reported 51% of Americans over 12 years old have listened to a podcast over the past year (up from 30% five years ago), with an estimated 90 million people tuning in to podcasts at least monthly.
As a topic, the business category ranks among the five most popular podcasting genres. Earlier this year, Entrepreneur magazine called podcasts “one of the best life hacks around” and “tailor made for (your) multi-tasking life.” Guest writer Sarah Remsburg, a learning and organization coach at Farmers Insurance, offered this perspective: “Whenever I have my phone, earbuds and a little time, I listen to programs that can broaden my perspective and grow my understanding of my job, my life and the world.”
With that in mind, we launched our Insights Podcasts this fall to provide you with unique insights from mortgage industry veterans with a wide range of expertise. I think you’ll get real value from our newest episodes:
- The Value Trifecta: Learn the secrets to standing out from your competitors by focusing on convenience, value and trust.
- Communicate with Impact: Learn strategies for developing a more effective communication style from Arch MI’s Senior National Trainer Blaine Rada.
- Two Techniques to Increase Sales: Learn how to rethink “the close” when talking to potential customers using approaches that go beyond the techniques many of us learned early in our careers.
- Habits of High Achievers: Learn six simple ways you can increase your productivity and satisfaction in your job.
- Five Steps to Better Goal Setting: Learn how to set better goals using the GRASS method.
- Transform Your Business (and your life): Learn your “why” in the industry and how to handle adversity.
These are all innovative approaches to transforming your prospects personally and professionally — and you can discover all of them without adding to your reading list or scheduling time for seminars or courses.
With our podcasts, there’s no fee to download our latest episodes to your phone (or computer). You can also subscribe to automatically get new episodes as soon as we release them. All of our podcasts are also available on Google Play, Apple iTunes or Spotify.
Podcasts are also a medium that encourages interaction with listeners. We’d love to get your feedback on the listening experience, what you learned and your ideas for improving our content. Send us an email at [email protected] to continue the discussion.