Housing Crisis in Rural USA

Iowa’s slogan is the “State of Minds,” and it’s grappling with its own State of Housing. It's a conversation that demands attention from policymakers. Read More

Closing Costs Crackdown

Lucky families and individuals who find a home to purchase are discovering it costs more than in the past to close the loan. Read More

Why We Need to Grow Black Homeownership

March has arrived! Spring Training is in full bloom in Florida and Arizona. Who could ask for anything more? (Well, maybe more affordable homes for sale.) Thanks to a recent suggestion from a reader, this issue of the Capital Commentary is shedding light on the hurdles impeding the growth of Black homeownership. Read More

Fixing Basel III’s Threat to Homeownership

It’s February — officially the shortest month of the year. Unofficially, it’s the longest if your job is reading the thousands of pages of comment letters submitted in response to the banking agencies’ Basel III Endgame proposal. Read More

Homeowners Insurance Crisis Worsening

Your mail might arrive on time, but weather catastrophes might also raise your homeowners insurance premiums or, worse yet, cause your policy to be canceled. In this issue, Capital Commentary offers a primer on the ongoing property insurance crisis facing homeowners and insurers, alike. Read More

PolicyCast: Unlocking the Data Driving Housing

The Urban Institute’s Laurie Goodman joins the Arch MI PolicyCast to discuss the rising importance of non-bank mortgage lenders, strategies for boosting the housing supply and proposed bank regulations that could raise costs for lower-income borrowers. Read More