

Appraisal Gap Strategy

As home prices continue to rise, “appraisal gaps” are emerging as a major challenge to homebuyers. Did you know you can use MI to close the gap and save borrowers thousands of dollars at closing...

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AMGC EqualAccess Homeownership Program

Want to help more low-income families buy homes in your community? Our AMGC EqualAccess Homeownership Program offers flexible MI guidelines to support lenders who want to reach out to these borrowers...

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What is Mortgage Insurance?

This short video defines private mortgage insurance (MI) and explains how it works and ultimately how it can help borrowers buy homes with lower down payments....

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What is Mortgage Insurance? (en español)

Este breve video en español define el seguro hipotecario privado (MI) y explica cómo funciona y, en última instancia, cómo puede ayudar a los prestatarios a comprar viviendas con pagos iniciales más baj...

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About Arch MI

Hear an overview of Arch MI products and services....

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Customers Are Talking About the Power of Arch MI

Watch what mortgage professionals have to say about how Arch MI has powered possibilities for their businesses....

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Before You Lock with FHA: Check Your Borrower’s Savings with Arch MI

Saving your customers money is time well spent. And you can check Arch MI’s rates against FHA faster than you can tie your shoes. Here are three reasons to compare Arch MI’s saving vs. FHA....

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