Housing Policy

Get expert analysis of the national and regional changes
that affect your business.

Want to stay current with the latest changes to housing policy? Kirk Willison, our VP-Government and Industry Relations, anchors PolicyCast, a video podcast series featuring his interviews with top housing officials from across the nation. He also authors Capital Commentary, which covers public policy legislation shaping the housing industry’s future.

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June 12, 2024

Housing Crisis in Rural USA

Iowa’s slogan is the “State of Minds,” and it’s grappling with its own State of Housing. It’s a conversation that demands attention from policymakers….


May 30, 2024

Closing Costs Crackdown

Lucky families and individuals who find a home to purchase are discovering it costs more than in the past to close the loan….


March 11, 2024

Why We Need to Grow Black Homeownership

March has arrived! Spring Training is in full bloom in Florida and Arizona. Who could ask for anything more? (Well, maybe more affordable homes for sale.) Thanks to a recent suggestion from a reader, th…


February 14, 2024

Fixing Basel III’s Threat to Homeownership

It’s February — officially the shortest month of the year. Unofficially, it’s the longest if your job is reading the thousands of pages of comment letters submitted in response to the banking agencies’ …


October 11, 2023

Homeowners Insurance Crisis Worsening

Your mail might arrive on time, but weather catastrophes might also raise your homeowners insurance premiums or, worse yet, cause your policy to be canceled. In this issue, Capital Commentary offers a …


Capital Commentary

August 30, 2023

Regulators Revisit Redlining

If you thought redlining was a housing practice found just in history books, think again. Federal agencies, including the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)…


August 9, 2023

Will Banks Abandon Home Lending?

If scorching summer temperatures weren’t bad enough, the housing finance industry is hot under the collar due to new bank capital requirements, found in the so-called Basel III Endgame, for home loans…


July 13, 2023

Common Woes Offer Hope for Housing

Sadly, the days are already getting shorter here on the other side of the summer solstice. We thought it a good time to shorten this issue of Capital Commentary, too, by a couple of hundred words while…


June 14, 2023

FHFA under Fire

The dog days of summer haven’t yet hit Washington, but the temperature was plenty hot for the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) at two House committees investigating the regulator’s decisions on the…


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About Arch MI’s Capital Commentary

Capital Commentary newsletter reports on the public policy issues shaping the housing industry’s future. Each issue presents insights from a team led by Kirk Willison.

About Arch MI’s PolicyCast

PolicyCast — a video podcast series hosted by Kirk Willison — enables mortgage professionals to keep on top of the issues shaping the future of housing and the new policy initiatives under consideration in Washington, D.C., the state capitals and the financial markets.

About Kirk Willison

As VP of Government and Industry Relations for Arch MI and a mortgage finance expert with more than 25 years in government relations, Kirk speaks candidly with an array of the most influential industry and policy thought leaders in the nation.

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