

Five Ways to Boost Your Originations in a Slower Market

With forecasters expecting this year’s mortgage originations to lag behind 2022, every deal counts. Check out five solid strategies that give you an edge with buyers...

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As Mortgage Fraud Worsens, Train Your Staff on New Red Flags

Historically, declines in mortgage application volume bring increases in fraud attempts. As applicants turn to more elaborate schemes to falsely meet tightening underwriting standards, now is a good tim...

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National Homeownership Month 2023: What’s Different This Year?

It’s June, the month when historically a record number of new homeowners close on homes. Although mortgage rates were down slightly at the beginning of May (the average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was 6...

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AMGC EqualAccess Homeownership Program

Want to help more low-income families buy homes in your community? Our AMGC EqualAccess Homeownership Program offers flexible MI guidelines to support lenders who want to reach out to these borrowers...

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In Just 30 Seconds, Deliver 30 Years of Borrower Savings

Take a page from “The One-Minute Manager” by comparing Arch MI to FHA in just 30 seconds: big savings, faster closings and less paperwork, all without FHA’s 1.75% upfront payment....

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Five Positive Messages for Millennial Homebuyers

Mortgage originators can offer many homebuyers in the Millennial age group (21–40 years old) positive news about their ability to afford a home as sales numbers set records....

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Celebrate the Return of the MI Premium Tax Deduction

The return of mortgage insurance tax deductions is something to be celebrated. First, it clearly establishes home ownership as a national priority with broad benefits for our communities. Second, it’s a...

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Making the Most of an Unexpected Refinancing Boom

With the resilience to react quickly to changes in the lending market, Arch MI is maximizing refinancing opportunities for lenders as mortgage rates decline....

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How Sharp Are Your Sales Skills?

What does it take to get from letting business happen to making business happen—and what are the traits of those who have figured this out? How do you build relationships with Realtors® who were ignored...

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The Power of Community

Communities thrive when there are long-term, committed residents with a healthy mix of skills, occupations and income levels....

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