Queen City’s King-Size Problems

Arch MI leaders recently visited Cincinnati, Ohio, to ask local stakeholders about the causes and ramifications of the limited supply of homes available for sale and what should be done to boost affordable homeownership in their communities. Their responses offer ideas for many other U.S. cities facing housing challenges. Read More

They’ve Got the Housing Blues

Just when you think there is finally a nationwide consensus about the need to build more homes to meet housing demand, someone lets the cat out of the bag that it just isn’t so. Read More

PolicyCast: Zelman the Contrarian

Ivy Zelman, CEO of Zelman & Associates, returns to discuss her firm’s contrarian views on the housing deficit, changing demographics and a suggestion for policymakers regarding inflation. Read More

PolicyCast: Making It on Wall Street

Ivy Zelman, CEO of Zelman & Associates and author of “Gimme Shelter: Hard Calls + Soft Skills from a Wall Street Trailblazer,” talks about her career as a top housing expert and shares her lessons for those entering the field. Read More

“A Change Is Gonna Come”

This issue of Capital Commentary looks at changes coming at the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), in housing demographics and urban neighborhoods. Read More

Summer Studies

As we mark the summer solstice this week, Capital Commentary is using this opportunity to review a potpourri of noteworthy housing analyses that caught our eye but perhaps not the eyes of local or national news editors. Read More

All Eyes on the High Court

Housing policy aficionados are keeping a watchful eye on the U.S. Supreme Court related to the future of the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). Read More