
USMICU – Course Offerings Test

Upcoming Webinars April 2021 Click on event to see webinar details and start time for all time zones.*Eastern Time Zone 4/8 – 3 p.m. – COVID-19 Agency Self-Employed Borrower Guidance Overvie...

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USMICU – MI Cancellation

MI Cancellation Homeowners Protection Act Overview of Mortgage Insurance Cancellation The federal Homeowners Protection Act of 1998* (HPA) was designed to benefit homebuyers who are required to pay for ...

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USMICU – Training Videos and Podcasts

Training Videos and Podcasts Listening to a podcast or watching a video can be the easiest way to learn or practice a new skill, and ours are designed as enhancements to our course offerings. Select a c...

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USMICU – Training Resources

Training Resources Get instant access to the tools, guidance andtraining materials for our professional education courses. Appraisal Appraisal Review Checklist – CU Download PDF Single Family Ap...

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USMICU – Homebuyer Education

Homebuyer Education Arch MI offers access to GSE-approved pre-purchase programs for members financing their home purchases with loans that include mortgage insurance. Choose the appropriate homeownershi...

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USMICU – Quality Control

Quality Control Arch MI’s Quality Control (QC) team evaluates, monitors and assesses the risk to the company of loans that Arch MI is insuring while adhering to the Private Mortgage Insurer Eligibility ...

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USMICU – Products

Products Arch MI offers simple and clear mortgage insurance programs and products that help expand homeownership opportunities for your members while protecting you against the risk of possible default....

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USMICU – Contract Underwriting

Contract Underwriting Services Arch Fulfillment Services (AFS1), an affiliate of Arch MI, offers secure, efficient, consultative contract underwriting services. Our expert team is ready to underwrite to...

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ASK Your Toughest MI Underwriting Questions Complex MI underwriting issues can delay approvals for your member’s loan. Don’t waste time trying to resolve them in-house — simply ASK Arch MI.* ...

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