Roadmap to Homeownership

The homebuying process can be confusing for many first-time buyers. In addition, they may have only a small down payment, substantial student debt or other circumstances that make them feel shut out of the market.
How can you help these members?
Use the RtHO to set up your own homebuyer seminar, in which you explain the process, the benefits and the financial implications of homebuying.
The RtHO toolkit is complimentary and
easily downloadable, and includes:

A Welcome Letter
A Welcome Letter explaining the toolkit and how it works.

An in-depth Presentation for your homebuyer seminar, customizable for your logo and contact information.

Simple Worksheets to calculate and compare budgets, pricing, offers.

A list of Resources to assist new homebuyers with common concerns.

A Glossary that explains key housing terms.

An Addendum providing easy homebuying checklists.
What is MI?
Homebuyer Assistance Programs — State Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs)
Connect with your state’s Housing Finance Agency to learn about affordability resources for homebuyers.
This material is being provided as a courtesy to your financial institution. Although Arch MI has reviewed the material for accuracy and conformity with common industry practices, we encourage you to review the material with your counsel to ensure compliance with both your institution’s governing policies and procedures and any regulatory mandates that may apply.